On Thursday, May 22nd, the Zen Gourmand made his first televison appearance on “Daytime Durham”. This show is produced by Rogers TV and hosted by Kasia Bodurka and Jim Bamboulis.
The invitation to make an appearance came as a result of contacting Rogers TV regarding the Zen Gourmand’s Wine Club and the club’s premiere wine tasting event held May 10th.
On the show I talked about the Zen Gourmand and the various services provided, the upcomiing product launch and, of course, about the wine club. While chating with the hosts, I prepared one of the Zen Gourmand signature desserts, the “Vanilla Sunshine”. Clients of the Julie Moore Spa for whch it was originally developed should be well familiar with it.
If you missed the show on May 22nd, do not despair! | |
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